Sol – Our Sun

Sol – Our Sun

Formation of Sun and the solar system

According the the “NebularHypothesis” surfaced and developed in the 18th century by Emanuel Swedenborg, Immanuel Kantand Pierre-Simon Laplace the Sun and the solar system formation and evolution began 4.5 billion years ago with gravitational collapse of small part of a Giant Molecular Cloud. Most of the collapsing mass collected in the centre, forming the Sun, while the rest flattened into a protoplanetary disk out of which the planets, moons, asteroids and other small solar system bodies formed.

The Molecular cloud was estimated to be about 65 Light years across. It was estimated that a supernova explosion of a star nearby generated shock ways travelling in the galaxy at super high speeds zipped passed through the molecular cloud which lead to shake and disturbance in the molecular cloud. As the cloud started spinning which initiated its collaping which in turn resulted in faster spin and so on. The collapse of the nebula condensed the atoms within it began to collide with increasing frequency, converting their kinetic energy into heat. the centre where most of th mass collected, became increasingly hotter than the surrounding disc. For thousand of Years the competing forces of gravity, gas pressure, magnetic fields, and rotation caused the contracting nebula to flatten into a spinning protoplanetary disc with a disc of about 200 AU and form a hot, dense protostar (a star in which hydrogen fusion has not yet begun) at the centre. With the gravitation force acting towards the centre of the protostar, the centre experience extreme heat and pressure resulting in fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium. It released enough electromagnetic radiation to illuminate the system of planets which were still in the formation. And this way “A Star Was Born“.

The Sun today is roughly halfway through the most stable part of its life. It has not changed dramatically for over four billion years and will remain fairly stable for more than five billion more. However, after hydrogen fusion in its core as stopped, the Sun will undergo dramatic changes, both internally and externally.

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